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Is It Time To Restore My Hardwood Floors?

Does your hardwood floor have a lot of traffic over the year? Has it been hard to maintain your hardwood floors? Are you wanting to get your hardwood floors back to looking new? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions, it might be time for some hardwood floor care.

What Do Your Hardwood Floors Look Like?

The first way to determine if it’s time for a sand and finish is to use your naked eye. Do your floors have scratches? Many damages to wood floors are pretty obvious, but you can always call a professional for a closer look. 

If you have been sticking to Dave’s maintenance guide, you may be able to get your hardwood floors back to new with a simple recoating. We suggest a recoat every 3-5 years in low traffic areas and up to every year in high traffic areas. With this, you should be able to avoid having a complete sand and finish. 

Hardwood Floor Water Test

It doesn’t take a professional to do this hardwood floor test. All you have to do is take a tablespoon of water, pour it on your floor’s surface, and wait. It shouldn’t take long to see what the water does. If the water is quickly absorbing into the floorboard, you will want to contact a professional as soon as possible to prevent water damage.  if the water is relatively staying put, the coating should be holding up. 

Water is the enemy of hardwood floors. Household appliances and even basic spills can do a number on hardwood floors. Hardwood floors need to have care and protection. Avoid having to replace your hardwood flooring in the long run by taking care of them today. 

Your Floor’s Are Past Due On Maintenence 

Depending on the hardwood flooring you choose, it may require different maintenance. Regardless of what type of wood flooring is in your home, we recommend a sand and finish every 10-15 years. This recommendation depends on how you care for your flooring.

If you are unsure of the last time you have had any sanding or recoating to your floors or it has been over 10 years, you should consider a sand and finish. This service can be performed on your own, but we highly recommend having a professional complete the job, as it can be risky, and hardwood floors can only be so forgiving to mistakes.

 A professional will complete the project efficiently and educate you on your type of wood and finish and how to maintain the flooring best. It really could have you save time, money, and stress in the long run. 

Time To Get Your Hardwood Floors Back To New? 

If you think It is time to restore your hardwood floors or if you are uncertain about what your floors need, Dave’s knows what to do. For three generations, we have perfected the “art” of sanding and custom staining on all species of hardwoods at Dave’s Floor Sanding and Installing, Inc. Serving the Twin Cities area for 40+ years. We are dedicated to helping your tired-out hardwood floors regain their youthfulness. Contact us for a free estimate today!